
See you next year on May 2 and 3, 2025!

Moulin Blues Ospel

Since 1986

For over 35 years, Moulin Blues Ospel has been the lead­ing blues & roots fes­ti­val in the Nether­lands with a world­wide rep­u­ta­tion. At the Moulin Blues Fes­ti­val, you will be sur­prised by the music of inter­na­tion­al blues & roots artists of today and tomor­row in an extreme­ly friend­ly atmos­phere. Sev­er­al big names have already appeared on stage in Ospel, Lim­burg: B.B. King, Bud­dy Guy, Mavis Sta­ples, Joe Bona­mas­sa, Jim­mie Vaugh­an, Tedeschi Trucks Band to name a few. The fes­ti­val is small in scale but big in name. No-non­sense and authen­tic, a very pleas­ant and relaxed music fes­ti­val!