2 & 3 May 2025

Moulin Blues Ospel

Since 1986

On May 2nd and 3rd, 2025, the 38th edi­tion of the Moulin Blues Fes­ti­val will take place in Ospel. In a warm, wel­com­ing atmos­phere, you’ll be treat­ed to per­for­mances from top inter­na­tion­al blues and roots artists, from today’s stars to tomorrow’s ris­ing tal­ents. Over the years, numer­ous big names have graced the stage in Ospel, includ­ing B.B. King, Bud­dy Guy, Mavis Sta­ples, Joe Bona­mas­sa, Jim­mie Vaugh­an, and the Tedeschi Trucks Band, to name a few.

This fes­ti­val may be inti­mate in scale, but it’s leg­endary in rep­u­ta­tion. With its no-non­sense, authen­tic approach, Moulin Blues offers a tru­ly enjoy­able, laid-back music expe­ri­ence for all.

Een optreden van Robert Jon & the Wreck op het Moulin Blues mainstage
Moulin Blues festival site with visitors and festival tents in the background