Michel Verlinden

Big Dave & the Dutchmen

With Antwerp’s Big Dave Reniers at the helm, this band trans­ports you straight back to the gold­en days of the blues. Their music cap­tures the spir­it of the 50s and 60s, with steamy shuf­fles and stomp­ing boo­gies that could have come right out of a smoky Chica­go club. The result is a trib­ute to the blues greats, with a mod­ern twist that feels fresh and any­thing but dusty.

Big Dave is a charis­mat­ic singer and a true mas­ter of the blues harp. He’s joined by top musi­cians from the Dutch roots scene: Mis­cha Den Har­ing on gui­tar, Roel Span­jers on keys, and broth­ers Dusty and Dar­ryl Cig­gaar on bass and drums. Togeth­er, these men from the Low Coun­tries bring the Chica­go blues vibe to Ospel!

Get ready!