Bywater Call

Bywa­ter Call

Played at edition  2022

Bywa­ter Call is a 7‑piece for­ma­tion based in Toron­to, Cana­da. Despite their rel­a­tive­ly short time togeth­er, the band has left a sig­nif­i­cant mark. In 2018, Bywa­ter Call emerged vic­to­ri­ous in the pres­ti­gious TD Toron­to Jazz Fes­ti­val, the pre­mier musi­cal tal­ent com­pe­ti­tion in Toron­to. This suc­cess led them to The Road To Mem­phis Chal­lenge, where they impres­sive­ly secured the 2nd place. Quite an achieve­ment for a band that came into exis­tence only in 2017!

Their musi­cal style is best described as blues with hints of soul and even gospel, rem­i­nis­cent of the Tedeschi Trucks Band. Sim­i­lar to their musi­cal coun­ter­parts, Bywa­ter Call embraces the use of slide gui­tar to achieve an authen­tic sound. The band also fea­tures a sax­o­phon­ist and trum­pet play­er, adding an extra lay­er to their son­ic palette. How­ev­er, the true high­light is the remark­able voice of lead singer Meghan Par­nell, whose pow­er­ful and soul­ful vocals per­fect­ly com­ple­ment Bywa­ter Cal­l’s bluesy style.

Their debut album, released in Novem­ber 2019, made a sig­nif­i­cant impact. In Ospel, allow Bywa­ter Call to sur­prise you with their unique blend of musi­cal influ­ences and unde­ni­able tal­ent!