Dutch Tornados

Played at edition  2024

Ready to be blown away by the Dutch Tor­na­dos? This for­ma­tion con­sists of musi­cians from the top of the Dutch Roots and Blues scene. The band mem­bers have been around for years and have played in acts such as The Strikes, Sug­ar­boy & the Sin­ners, T‑99, Root­bag, and Sun­set Trav­el­ers.

The line­up includes Roel Span­jers (vocals & key­boards), Mis­cha Den Har­ing (vocals & gui­tar), Boy Vielvoye (vocals & har­mon­i­ca), Richard van Bergen (vocals & gui­tar), Jody van Ooi­jen (drums), and Roelof Kli­jn (bass).

Expect groovy and dance­able Blues, Soul, and Rock n Roll, orig­i­nat­ing from the south­ern states of the US.