Eli Paperboy” Reed USA

Eli Paper­boy” Reed grew up in Boston, devour­ing his father’s record col­lec­tion as a young boy. At 18, he head­ed to Clarks­dale, Mis­sis­sip­pi, where he honed his craft in clubs and juke joints. His sig­na­ture flat cap earned him the nick­name Paper­boy.” After a musi­cal detour through Chica­go, Reed returned to Boston, armed with inspi­ra­tion and new expe­ri­ences, ready to record his debut album.

Now with an impres­sive career and eight albums to his name, Reed blends vin­tage soul, gospel, and authen­tic blues into a sound that’s unique­ly his own. With his raw, deep voice, he chan­nels the ener­gy of a front­man lead­ing a scorch­ing soul and funk revue straight out of the ear­ly 70s. Full of swag­ger and pas­sion, he sets the stage ablaze as if every show is his last. Fans who wit­nessed his pre­vi­ous Moulin Blues per­for­mance know what’s in store — those who haven’t are in for a treat!

Get ready!