Since their for­ma­tion in 2018, this Boston trio has rapid­ly tak­en the blues world by storm, scor­ing mul­ti­ple top spots on the Bill­board Blues Charts. Their name, GA-20, is a trib­ute to the icon­ic Gib­son ampli­fi­er of the 50s and 60s, hint­ing at their musi­cal roots. Unit­ed by a love for tra­di­tion­al blues, rock n’ roll, and rhythm n’ blues from this era, they draw inspi­ra­tion from pio­neers like Otis Rush, J.B. Lenoir, Howl­in’ Wolf, Junior Wells, and Hound Dog Tay­lor.

With gui­tarists Matthew Stubbs and Cody Nilsen deliv­er­ing a raw, lo-fi sound and drum­mer Josh Kig­gans dri­ving the rhythm, their music feels both authen­tic and refresh­ing­ly mod­ern. The band left a last­ing impres­sion on the Ospel stage back in 2022. Since then, they’ve released two new albums and gone through a line­up change — more than enough rea­sons to bring them back this year for anoth­er dose of pure, unfil­tered blues!

Get ready!