Ian Siegal meets Johnny Mastro UK/USA

Both Ian Sie­gal and John­ny Mas­tro are no strangers to Ospel. But these two artists per­form­ing togeth­er? That’s some­thing we’ve nev­er seen before. In 2024, the two crossed paths, spark­ing the idea to record some­thing togeth­er. The result came lat­er that year in the form of the album Easy Tiger, record­ed live in the stu­dio in New Orleans.

This album hits hard, evok­ing the raw ener­gy of The Red Dev­ils’ leg­endary King King. Expect dirty gui­tar riffs, pound­ing drums, intox­i­cat­ing melodies, and unfil­tered, grit­ty vocals. Siegal’s whiskey-soaked voice blends seam­less­ly with Mastro’s growl­ing blues harp. Sie­gal him­self describes the result as the greasi­est and blue­si­est record­ing that I ever made.” That says it all — this is one not to miss!

Get ready!