La Perra Blanco

Played at edition  2024

The Span­ish trio La Per­ra Blan­co revolves around the charis­mat­ic singer and gui­tarist, Alba Blan­co Sanchez. Sup­port­ed by the sea­soned musi­cians Guiller­mo González on dou­ble bass and Jesús López on drums, both of whom have earned their stripes in the rock­a­bil­ly scene, Blan­co leads a pow­er­house trio.

This dynam­ic three­some radi­ates an unmis­tak­able ener­gy that takes cen­ter stage in their explo­sive per­for­mances. They deliv­er a con­tem­po­rary fusion of rock­a­bil­ly, hill­bil­ly, and rock n roll, draw­ing their inspi­ra­tion pri­mar­i­ly from the music of the 1950s.

Her­ald­ed as the new queen of rock­a­bil­ly by the UK Rock­’n’Roll Mag­a­zine, La Per­ra Blan­co is poised to make a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the scene. This procla­ma­tion cer­tain­ly rais­es expec­ta­tions for what they have to offer!