La Ratte

Played at edition  2024

La Rat­te is a raw, unpol­ished mix of Rhythm & Blues and Roots. This three-man for­ma­tion draws its inspi­ra­tion from the ener­getic Texas Blues, hyp­not­ic Mis­sis­sip­pi Hill Coun­try Blues, and the infec­tious­ness of Louisiana Swamp. They cap­tured this on their debut album Astray” last year.

The band is led by Harm van Essen, who guar­an­tees dis­tinc­tive song­writ­ing, grit­ty vocals, and fiery gui­tar play­ing. This is com­ple­ment­ed by the explo­sive drum­ming style of Jochem Jor­risen and the old-school bass grooves of Niko­las Karolewicz. The gen­tle­men serve all of this with pas­sion and an untamed enthu­si­asm.