Leif de Leeuw Band NL

This is the south­ern jam band of Europe. At the helm are Leif de Leeuw, mul­ti­ple win­ner of the Best Blues Rock Gui­tarist award in the Benelux, and Sem Jansen, cham­pi­on of the TV show Hit the Road.

With a six-piece line­up, the band deliv­ers an elec­tri­fy­ing show packed with blaz­ing gui­tar solos, two duel­ing drum­mers (!), and roar­ing Ham­mond organs. Their style is a vibrant mix of rock, blues, Amer­i­cana, coun­try, and south­ern rock, all with a dis­tinct 70s vibe. Impro­vi­sa­tion takes cen­ter stage, ensur­ing that no two per­for­mances are ever the same. A must-see for fans of The All­man Broth­ers, Lit­tle Feat, and Gov’t Mule!

Get ready!