Les Greene & The Swayzees USA

Les Greene grew up in the musi­cal melt­ing pot of Bal­ti­more, shaped by soul, smooth jazz, and raw blues. He fus­es these influ­ences with surf rock, doo-wop, and rock­a­bil­ly, cre­at­ing a sound that beau­ti­ful­ly cap­tures the spir­it of ear­ly rock n’ roll.

On stage, the flam­boy­ant Greene com­mands atten­tion with his infec­tious ener­gy and unmatched dance moves. Blessed with a pow­er­ful voice, he con­veys a wide range of emo­tions, from joy and pas­sion to long­ing and heart­break. Backed by his band, The Swayzees, Greene leaves audi­ences spell­bound and crav­ing more!

Get ready!