Monster Mike Welch

Played at edition  2024

As a very young man, Mon­ster Mike Welch stood on the stage in Ospel in 1996. In the mean­time, this enor­mous tal­ent has devel­oped into a whirl­wind on the gui­tar and belongs to the very best in the blues world. He has stood on the stage in Ospel sev­er­al times dur­ing that time, with, among oth­ers, Sug­ar Ray & the Blue­stones (2014) and with his sad­ly depart­ed soul­mate Mike Led­bet­ter (2018).

Now, after chal­leng­ing times, Mike Welch has decid­ed to focus again on his solo career… And oh, how he does it with skill! His album Noth­ing but Time’, released in 2023, is a true gem. On this album, he demon­strates that he has also grown immense­ly as a vocal­ist.

Ospel, Mon­ster Mike Welch is on the way, and that promis­es noth­ing but top-notch blues!