Rob Heron & the Tea Pad Orchestra UK

For over a decade, Rob Heron & The Tea Pad Orches­tra have been break­ing down the bound­aries between music gen­res. With their unique blend of west­ern swing, blues, coun­try, rock n’ roll, and soul, they cre­ate a musi­cal gum­bo that, despite the range of influ­ences, sounds dis­tinct­ly their own — or as they like to call it, North East­ern Swing.”

Heron is backed by a fan­tas­tic band that brings his songs to life with bound­less ener­gy and joy. With six stu­dio albums to their name, includ­ing the recent­ly released Feet First, this group guar­an­tees an eccen­tric and cap­ti­vat­ing live show where Heron’s dry humor and pas­sion for music take cen­ter stage. A must-see for fans of genre-bend­ing music!

Get ready!