Stephan Nord

Shawn Pittman USA

Shawn Pittman is Texas blues at its finest. Although born in Okla­homa, he spent most of his life in Dal­las and Austin, deep in the heart of the Lone Star State. Inspired by blues icons like Ste­vie Ray and Jim­mie Vaugh­an, he devel­oped his own unmis­tak­able sound: no-non­sense gui­tar play­ing with a fat, grit­ty tone.

He’s been play­ing gui­tar since his teenage years and shared the stage with leg­ends like Sam Myers and Mike Mor­gan at a young age. Now, he’s arrived at his 16th album, My Jour­ney. A key high­light of this jour­ney is his col­lab­o­ra­tion with The Özdemirs, who record­ed the album with him and will also back him on our stage. Get ready for a dose of real hot Texas blues!

Get ready!