Sister Suzie And The Right Band

Played at edition  2024

Meet Sis­ter Suzie, a tough and charm­ing lady with an amaz­ing voice. When she was young, she got hooked on rhythm and blues music from leg­ends like Elmore James, Irma Thomas, and Willie Mae (Big Mama) Thorn­ton.

Orig­i­nal­ly from Northum­ber­land, way up in the north of Eng­land, Sis­ter Suzie had quite the jour­ney in the music world. She even went to New Orleans before set­tling down in Lon­don. There, she met musi­cians who would lat­er become her back­ing band.

Now, along with The Right Band,” she’s com­ing to Ospel. They play great old-school rhythm and blues, tak­ing you on a musi­cal ride through blues and soul from the 1930s to the 1960s, with a bit of rock­a­bil­ly fla­vor. Get ready for a musi­cal adven­ture you won’t for­get any­time soon!