Sugarmill Slim

Played at edition  2024

Don’t hold back, baby!” Sug­armill Slim’s onstage mantra that they con­sis­tent­ly recite to their band­mates, stems from their belief that, every show should be per­formed like it’s their last. It’s all about seiz­ing the moment with Slim, draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from no holds barred blues artists like Papa George Light­foot, William Clarke and James Cot­ton as well as 70’s glam rock like Bowie, Iggy Pop and T. Rex. Play­ing fiery harp and singing songs about life in Los Ange­les, Sug­armill Slim brings an elec­tric show that fea­tures plen­ty of excite­ment, expert musi­cian­ship, and superbly applied eye­lin­er.

Sug­armill Slim’s debut album, released on their birth­day, Jan­u­ary 30th 2021, is full of the kind of fiery musi­cian­ship and glit­tery sass one can expect at every show. Record­ed live to tape with the help of mas­ter pro­duc­er Chuck Kavooras (Man­nish Boys, Sug­aray Ray­ford) the album con­tains a mix of orig­i­nals and cov­ers of some clas­sic blues songs. In the spir­it of hold­ing noth­ing back, it was impor­tant for Slim to keep the record raw-sound­ing. My goal was nev­er to make a pol­ished record­ing. This music is about hon­esty and if we edit­ed out the warts and stains, I knew we weren’t gonna have a record I could be proud of”.

I can’t be any­thing oth­er than exact­ly what I am” says Slim. I love blues music, it’s in my bones. But the ener­gy of glam and punk flows through me. I’m not about to dress like Lit­tle Wal­ter, or do my hair like Mud­dy Waters, cuz it wouldn’t be real. And if it isn’t real, it isn’t the blues.”