Tad Robinson USA

Tad Robin­son is one of the lead­ing voic­es in mod­ern soul-blues, with roots in New York and a musi­cal upbring­ing in Indi­ana and Chica­go. His music merges the raw edge of blues with the warmth of soul, draw­ing clear influ­ence from leg­ends like Otis Red­ding and Al Green. A high­light of his career is the album Real Street (2019), record­ed with the leg­endary Hi Rhythm Sec­tion in the heart of South­ern soul, Mem­phis.

Robin­son isn’t only an incred­i­ble vocal­ist; he’s also a skilled har­mon­i­ca play­er, inspired by greats like Junior Wells and Junior Park­er. It’s no won­der he has earned ten Blues Music Award nom­i­na­tions!

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