The Cold Stares

Played at edition  2024

Formed in 2012 by child­hood friends Chris Tapp (vocals/​guitar) and Bri­an Mullins (drums), The Cold Stares have spent the past decade tour­ing the world relent­less­ly as a duo. In 2023, a new chap­ter unfold­ed as bassist Bryce Klueh joined the band, trans­form­ing it into a for­mi­da­ble pow­er trio.

The band draws its name from the Black Crowes’ song Stare It Cold”, pro­vid­ing a hint of what awaits lis­ten­ers. Their musi­cal influ­ences span a wide range, encom­pass­ing Son House­’s delta blues, Blind Willy John­son’s gospel, and Led Zep­pelin’s clas­sic rock.

This trio deliv­ers a dis­tinc­tive blend of blues, south­ern, and heavy rock. Their sound is char­ac­ter­ized by its raw and unfil­tered nature, incor­po­rat­ing both vin­tage and mod­ern influ­ences. Notably, Joe Bona­mas­sa him­self declared The Cold Stares as his most sig­nif­i­cant musi­cal dis­cov­ery of 2019, a tes­ta­ment to the band’s unique and cap­ti­vat­ing musi­cal pres­ence.