The Freaky Buds FR

This group from Nantes, France, has its roots firm­ly plant­ed in the clas­sics of the blues. Think of leg­ends like R.L. Burn­side and Junior Kim­brough. Blend that with the mod­ern rock influ­ences of bands like The Black Keys and Rival Sons, and you get the Hard Rockin’ Blues of The Freaky Buds.

Their raw, time­less music, infused with impro­vi­sa­tion and grit­ty grooves, trans­ports you straight to a steamy juke joint. Play­ing with­out a bassist as a nod to their Mis­sis­sip­pi and Delta blues roots, they cre­ate a sound that’s both authen­tic and elec­tri­fy­ing. Armed with their new album, record­ed at the renowned Grease­land Stu­dios, they’re bring­ing the par­ty to Ospel. Let’s have a freaky par­ty!

Get ready!