The Gerry Hundt Trio USA

Ger­ry Hundt is now firm­ly estab­lished as part of the elite in the con­tem­po­rary Chica­go blues scene. In 2018, he took the stage in Ospel as the gui­tarist for the Corey Den­ni­son Band, and he has also been a key play­er in Nick Moss’ Flip Tops and The Dig 3.

Known as a true mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist, Hundt released his solo album Since Way Back in 2007, earn­ing nom­i­na­tions from the Blues Foundation’s Blues Music Awards in 2008, 2009, and 2010, plus a Best Instru­men­tal­ist nod in 2011. In 2015, Steady­groove Music intro­duced Ger­ry Hundt’s Leg­endary One-Man-Band, show­cas­ing his impres­sive solo tal­ent.

In 2024, The Ger­ry Hundt Trio released their lat­est album, Get Hip!. With this fresh sound in tow, Hundt returns to Ospel, ready to deliv­er a per­for­mance that’s sure to sur­prise and delight!

Get ready!