The Lowdown Saints SE

In 2020, five heavy­weights from the Swedish blues scene came togeth­er for a new project. It quick­ly became the house band of the leg­endary Stam­p­en Rhythm-‘n‑Blues Bar in Stock­holm, where they built an impres­sive live rep­u­ta­tion. A year lat­er, they were back in the stu­dio to record their debut album, Hit Me Hard.

The Low­down Saints deliv­er tight, dance­able grooves, stay­ing true to the tra­di­tion­al rhythm-‘n‑blues and jump blues styles. No end­less solos or unnec­es­sary frills — just pure old-school music with influ­ences from Chica­go and West Coast blues. It’s no sur­prise they call them­selves Sweden’s new excit­ing blues hope”!

Get ready!