The Seatsniffers BE

After a silence of more than 10 years, the icons of Bel­gian roots music are back! Reunit­ing in their orig­i­nal line­up with Wal­ter Broes, the De Houw­er broth­ers, and Roel Jacobs, they’re return­ing to Ospel.

The recipe’s tried-and-true ingre­di­ents haven’t changed. The Seat­snif­fers blend every imag­in­able style of Amer­i­can roots music into one explo­sive cock­tail. From rhythm & blues to surf, and from rock­a­bil­ly to coun­try, all deliv­ered with a fresh punk atti­tude. As always, they promise thick riffs, short punchy tracks, and an over­dose of rock n’ roll. Get your danc­ing shoes ready!

Get ready!