The Wicked Lo-Down

Played at edition  2024

The name The Wicked Lo-Down might not imme­di­ate­ly ring a bell. How­ev­er, that per­cep­tion might change once we reveal that at the heart of this band are none oth­er than gui­tarist Paul Size (of The Red Dev­ils) and blue­sharp vet­er­an Nick David. Add bassist Brad Hallen, gui­tarist Jeff Berg, and drum­mer Nick Toscano to the mix, and it becomes evi­dent that we’re deal­ing with a group of musi­cians who have earned their stripes in the blues!

Formed in 2020, The Wicked Lo-Down made waves with their excel­lent­ly received debut album We Hot” in 2022. This year, they are set to release their fol­low-up, Out Of Line,” via Gulf Coast Records.

Expect steamy house rockin’ blues with an East Coast twist. Raw blues harp inter­spersed with grit­ty gui­tar riffs. Through­out, the sound rem­i­nis­cent of The Red Dev­ils is nev­er far away. Ospel bet­ter brace itself as this ensem­ble takes to the stage!