Tommy Castro and the Painkillers USA

Tom­my Cas­tro, born and raised in San Jose, USA, was cap­ti­vat­ed by the gui­tar at just ten years old, inspired by leg­ends like B.B. King and Eric Clap­ton. After play­ing with var­i­ous bands in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area through­out the 1970s, he began per­form­ing under his own name in the ear­ly 90s. With six Blues Music Awards to his name, Cas­tro has become a major fig­ure in the blues world.

With his grit­ty, soul­ful voice and phe­nom­e­nal gui­tar skills, Cas­tro blends 60s blues with a touch of East Side funk and a hint of south­ern soul. Togeth­er with his band, The Painkillers, he lays down a tight, swing­ing groove with­out ever slip­ping into over-the-top show­man­ship. These sea­soned musi­cians give it their all the moment they hit the stage. Expect top-shelf blues — pure, gen­uine, and deeply authen­tic.

Get ready!