Trickbag SE/FI/ES

Found­ed in Swe­den in 1994 by singer Tom­my Moberg, Trick­bag is like a fine whisky — only get­ting bet­ter with age. Under Moberg’s lead­er­ship, the band has built a pow­er­ful live rep­u­ta­tion and climbed to the top of the Scan­di­na­vian blues scene. Join­ing Moberg is an inter­na­tion­al ensem­ble: Finnish gui­tarist Tomi Leino, Span­ish pianist and har­mon­i­ca play­er Vic­tor Puer­tas, and a Swedish rhythm sec­tion with Urban Hed on dou­ble bass and Johan Svens­son on drums.

Moberg has a gift for ener­giz­ing the crowd and bring­ing out the best in his band­mates. Their style sits at the cross­roads of tra­di­tion­al blues, swing, and old-school rock n’ roll. With infec­tious enthu­si­asm and full com­mit­ment, they turn every per­for­mance into a cel­e­bra­tion. Their lat­est album proud­ly dis­plays the slo­gan, Cel­e­brat­ing thir­ty years of excel­lence.” And trust us — this is one cel­e­bra­tion you don’t want to miss!

Get ready!