Well Well Well

Played at edition  2024

Well Well Well was born out of a col­lab­o­ra­tion between music vet­er­an Renaud R.L.” Lesire, harp play­er Fabi­an Lord” Bernar­do and drum­mer Gert Ser­vaes (Easy G). The lat­ter two we also know from the Boo­gie Beasts.

The band is named after the epony­mous album by one of the great­est Mis­sis­sip­pi Blues artists; R.L. Burn­side. Then you imme­di­ate­ly have an idea what to expect; prim­i­tive hyp­not­ic hill coun­try blues, in their own way, respect­ing the greats of this genre.

Pre­pare for tight vocals and gui­tar work, rous­ing drums and fierce har­mon­i­ca. Well Well Well comes to make peo­ple dance and have a great par­ty togeth­er!