
The entrance to the fes­ti­val is locat­ed at Ste­nen­brug in Ospel. Please note that some roads around the fes­ti­val site are closed. Turn off nav­i­ga­tion in the Ospel area and fol­low the signs.


  • Route from Venlo
    • From the east, fol­low the A67 towards Eind­hoven.
    • Take exit 36 to Asten and fol­low the road towards Mei­jel (N279).
    • After cross­ing the Brabant/​Limburg bor­der, turn right towards Ospel (Mei­jelsedijk).
    • Once you’re in the vicin­i­ty of Ospel, turn off your nav­i­ga­tion and fol­low the signs.
    • Arrival at Fes­ti­val Grounds Ste­nen­brug, Ospel.
    • For Kiss & Ride, go to the cor­ner of Stenenbrug/​Beelenstraat.
  • Route from Amsterdam/​Eindhoven
    • From the north, fol­low the A2 towards Maas­tricht.
    • Take exit 39 towards Ned­er­weert (Randweg-Zuid).
    • Con­tin­ue along this road along the canal towards Ven­lo (N275).
    • Once you’re in the vicin­i­ty of Ospel, turn off your nav­i­ga­tion and fol­low the signs.
    • Arrival at Fes­ti­val Grounds Ste­nen­brug, Ospel.
    • For Kiss & Ride, go to the cor­ner of Stenenbrug/​Beelenstraat.
  • Route from Maastricht
    • From the south, fol­low the A2 towards Ams­ter­dam.
    • Take exit 39 towards Ned­er­weert (Randweg-Zuid).
    • Con­tin­ue along this road along the canal towards Ven­lo (N275).
    • Once you’re in the vicin­i­ty of Ospel, turn off your nav­i­ga­tion and fol­low the signs.
    • Arrival at Fes­ti­val Grounds Ste­nen­brug, Ospel.
    • For Kiss & Ride, go to the cor­ner of Stenenbrug/​Beelenstraat.