
The pre­sale is closed. It is pos­si­ble to buy tick­ets at the day­time box office.

Prices day tick­et office Moulin Blues 2024

  • Day tick­et fri­day: €65
  • Day tick­et Sat­ur­day: €85

Entry for chil­dren and young peo­ple

This year we are intro­duc­ing a dis­count for young peo­ple. Those born born after 5 May 1999 will receive a 50% dis­count on the admis­sion tick­et. These day tick­ets are only avail­able at the box office on pre­sen­ta­tion of a valid ID and are avail­able in unlim­it­ed quan­ti­ties.

  • Day tick­et next gen­er­a­tion Fri­day: €30
  • Day tick­et next gen­er­a­tion Sat­ur­day: €40

Chil­dren up to 15 years old (with super­vi­sor) have free entry (iden­ti­fi­ca­tion may be request­ed!).

  • Where can I buy tickets for Moulin Blues?

    Tick­ets are avail­able for pre­sale on the Moulin Blues web­site. It is also pos­si­ble to pur­chase tick­ets at the on-site tick­et booth. For more infor­ma­tion, please vis­it the web­site.

  • What is the exact situation regarding admission prices for children?

    Chil­dren up to and includ­ing 15 years old, when accom­pa­nied by an adult, have free access to the fes­ti­val (iden­ti­fi­ca­tion is required). Chil­dren and young peo­ple over 15 years old must pur­chase a reg­u­lar admis­sion tick­et.

  • What about discounted ticket prices for young people?

    Those born after 5 May 1999 will receive a 50% dis­count on the admis­sion tick­et (day tick­et Fri­day: €30,- / day tick­et Sat­ur­day: €40,-). These day tick­ets are only avail­able at the day box office on pre­sen­ta­tion of a valid ID.