Amy Helm

Played at edition  2024

With Amy Helm grac­ing our line­up, we wel­come an immense­ly ver­sa­tile artist. From gospel to blues, from soul to swing, her music mir­rors the sheer puri­ty, skill, and breadth of her vocal abil­i­ties. The exquis­ite duets with old acquain­tances Matt Ander­sen (“Some­thing To Lose”) and Jes­per Lin­dell (“Twi­light”) serve as tes­ta­ment to this.

Born in Wood­stock, New York, Amy grew up in a musi­cal envi­ron­ment. Her father, Lev­on Helm, was the drum­mer and singer of The Band, while her moth­er, Lib­by Titus, made waves as a singer-song­writer. Con­se­quent­ly, Amy’s debut on the pub­lic stage occurred at a young age along­side none oth­er than Dr. John.

She now boasts three solo albums to her name; Did­n’t It Rain” (2015), This Too Shall Light” (2018), and What The Flood Leaves Behind” (2021). Addi­tion­al­ly, she is active­ly involved as an artist and pro­duc­er in var­i­ous projects with musi­cian friends. Fur­ther­more, she is the dri­ving force behind the Dirt Farmer fes­ti­val and the leg­endary month­ly Mid­night Ram­bles” at Lev­on Helm Stu­dios.

A per­son of busy sched­ules, indeed. We are there­fore immense­ly delight­ed to have her grace the Ospel stage in 2024!