Bywater Call

Played at edition  2024

Occa­sion­al­ly, there’s a band that leaves such a last­ing impact at a fes­ti­val that you eager­ly antic­i­pate their swift return. Bywa­ter Call is unde­ni­ably one of those bands, hav­ing left an indeli­ble impres­sion on the Ospel stage in 2022.

For those who missed their pre­vi­ous per­for­mance, Bywa­ter Call is a for­mi­da­ble sev­en-piece band hail­ing from Toron­to, Cana­da. Formed in 2017 out of a col­lec­tive love for soul, blues, and roots music, the dri­ving forces behind the band are the cap­ti­vat­ing singer Meghan Par­nell and the skilled gui­tarist Dave Barnes. Par­nel­l’s ver­sa­tile voice, rang­ing from under­stat­ed and sen­si­tive to pow­er­ful and rough, har­mo­nizes seam­less­ly with Barnes’ exquis­ite (slide) gui­tar play­ing. The ensem­ble is round­ed out by key­boardist Alan Zemaitis, bassist Mike Meusel, drum­mer Bruce McCarthy, sax­o­phon­ist Julian Nal­li, and trum­peter Stephen Dyle.

Since their last per­for­mance, Bywa­ter Call has been far from idle, grac­ing numer­ous con­certs and fes­ti­vals. They also unveiled their high­ly acclaimed sec­ond album, Remain,” where the evo­lu­tion of their sound takes cen­ter stage. Notably, they man­age to evolve with­out com­pro­mis­ing their com­mit­ment to using musi­cal crafts­man­ship to cre­ate a com­pelling and emo­tive expe­ri­ence for their audi­ence.