The Cinelli Brothers

Played at edition  2024

The Cinel­li Broth­ers is formed around the Ital­ian-born broth­ers Mar­co (vocals/​guitar/​keyboards) and Alessan­dro (drums), both now resid­ing in Lon­don. They are accom­pa­nied by Tom J.J.” Julian-Jones (blues harp/​vocals/​guitar) and Stephen Giry (vocals/​bass). They have released four albums to date, includ­ing this year’s Almost exact­ly”. Addi­tion­al­ly, they have won numer­ous awards, such as the win­ner of the UK Blues Chal­lenge and a sec­ond place at the Inter­na­tion­al Blues Chal­lenge in Mem­phis.

This young quar­tet shares a com­mon love for pure blues, soul, and R&B. Their music can best be described as a blend of these styles, com­bined with a unique con­tem­po­rary twist. They them­selves claim to be cham­pi­ons of the tru­ly authen­tic sound that has made blues a cor­ner­stone of music his­to­ry.

Aside from being excel­lent musi­cians, they are also true enter­tain­ers. Get ready for an ener­getic show!