D.K. Harrell

Played at edition  2024

D.K. Har­rell stands out as the emerg­ing blues sen­sa­tion of the moment, hail­ing from Rus­ton, Louisiana, and now in his mid-20s. His musi­cal jour­ney began at the age of 13 when he acquired his first gui­tar, teach­ing him­self to play and emu­late the sounds of his blues heroes.

In 2019, Har­rell made a sig­nif­i­cant mark at the B.B. King Sym­po­sium, where he had the priv­i­lege of play­ing one of B.B. King’s icon­ic Lucille gui­tars. His prowess was fur­ther acknowl­edged in 2022 at the Inter­na­tion­al Blues Chal­lenge, where he clinched an impres­sive third place among more than 200 inter­na­tion­al blues acts.

Ded­i­cat­ed to pre­serv­ing the essence of tra­di­tion­al blues, D.K. draws inspi­ra­tion from leg­ends like B.B. King and Lit­tle Mil­ton. His debut album, The Right Man”, released in 2023, was record­ed at Kid Ander­son­’s renowned Grease­land Stu­dio.

With the blues cours­ing through his veins, D.K. Har­rell promis­es an unfor­get­table per­for­mance that res­onates with the rich tra­di­tion of the genre.