Danielle Nicole

Played at edition  2024

In 2012, Danielle Nicole and her fam­i­ly band Tram­pled Under Foot” hit the stage in Ospel for the first time. She made quite an impres­sion then. This was fol­lowed up with a tru­ly smash­ing solo per­for­mance in 2016 that can safe­ly be called a leg­endary Moulin Blues per­for­mance”.

Now, eight years lat­er, Danielle Nicole returns from Kansas City. In the mean­time, she and her band have only got­ten bet­ter. She has since won no less than sev­en Blues Music Awards!

What else should we tell you about Danielle Nicole? This bassist and singer in one, with her enor­mous vocal range, is among the very best female artists in her genre. It’s blues, it’s soul and it’s rock.… She is tru­ly at home in many mar­kets.

Togeth­er with her part­ner Bran­don Miller (gui­tar) and drum­mer Go-go Ray, Danielle Nicole is com­ing to Ospel.… and we are going to know it!