Jesse Redwing

Played at edition  2024

Hail­ing from Syd­ney, Aus­tralia, Jesse Red­wing chan­nels the spir­it of 1970s Chica­go blues, draw­ing influ­ences from leg­ends like Howl­in’ Wolf and Mud­dy Waters. Com­bine this with the music of Peter Green and The Black Keys and the result is a raw and authen­tic blues sound with a mod­ern inter­pre­ta­tion.

In 2017, Red­wing made his mark with the release of his debut album, I’m Comin’ On”, fea­tur­ing the stand­out sin­gle Crawl­in’ Up the Walls”, which found its way into the pop­u­lar Net­flix show Shoot­er”. Fol­low­ing up in 2020, his sec­ond album, Light My Way”, con­tin­ued to show­case every­thing a music lover could desire — from grit­ty gui­tar solos to soul­ful vocals and the bite of abra­sive blues harp.

Jesse Red­wing, accom­pa­nied by his band, is set to cap­ti­vate Ospel with their pas­sion, ener­gy, and con­tem­po­rary take on the blues. Brace your­self for an over­whelm­ing musi­cal expe­ri­ence that seam­less­ly blends tra­di­tion with a fresh and vibrant vari­a­tion.