Little Hat

Played at edition  2024

Rockin’, sleazy & elec­tri­fied… The tight, raw, and prim­i­tive sound of Lit­tle Hat takes you back to a time when rock­ing real­ly meant rolling.” Their heavy dance rhythms almost make you for­get that the low tones are not filled by a bassist, but by the drum­mer’s right foot.

Front­man Machiel Mei­jers pro­vides raw, pas­sion­ate vocals, com­bined with grit­ty har­mon­i­ca work. This is nice­ly com­ple­ment­ed by Willem Van Dulle­men’s grungy old-school gui­tar play­ing, and the dri­ving rhythms of Pao­lo de Stigter on drums. This trio con­tin­u­al­ly inter­acts with one anoth­er, cre­at­ing some­thing unique on the spot at every per­for­mance.

Don’t for­get to put on your danc­ing shoes, because it’s impos­si­ble to stay still once these guys get going!