Robert Finley

Played at edition  2024

Amer­i­can blues and soul singer Robert Fin­ley made his debut on the music scene with the release of Age Don’t Mean a Thing” in 2016 at the age of six­ty-two. His tal­ents caught the ear of Dan Auer­bach (Black Keys), lead­ing to a col­lab­o­ra­tion that result­ed in three mas­ter­ful albums released on Auer­bach’s own label, Easy Eye Sound.

Grow­ing up in Louisiana, Fin­ley’s musi­cal jour­ney began at the age of ten when, instead of buy­ing new shoes as his father intend­ed, he brought home a gui­tar. He honed his skills by attend­ing local gospel group per­for­mances, care­ful­ly observ­ing the gui­tarists’ fin­gers. In 1970, he enlist­ed in the army and toured Europe with an army band. Upon return­ing to Louisiana, he worked as a car­pen­ter and led the group Broth­er Fin­ley and the Gospel Sis­ters until he lost his sight due to an eye dis­ease. Unde­terred, he con­tin­ued as a street musi­cian and was dis­cov­ered by the Music Mak­er Foun­da­tion, an orga­ni­za­tion that sup­ports old­er blues musi­cians.

With a deep and emo­tive voice, Fin­ley has the abil­i­ty to res­onate with every lis­ten­er. Effort­less­ly nav­i­gat­ing between high and low tones, falset­to, and bari­tone, his per­for­mance promis­es to be a unique and unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence.