The Chris O’Leary Band

Played at edition  2024

Chris O’Leary is a man scarred by life. As both an ex-vet­er­an and ex-police­man, he has seen what hap­pens at the top and bot­tom of soci­ety. He was also active as a singer/​mouth har­mon­i­ca play­er in Lev­on Helm’s band, The Barn Burn­ers. He played in the band with Lev­on Helm for six years, until voice prob­lems forced him to quit. After a recov­ery peri­od, the blood crawled where it could­n’t go and he slow­ly start­ed per­form­ing again.

Alli­ga­tor Records founder and pres­i­dent Bruce Iglauer saw a per­for­mance by Chris and was imme­di­ate­ly con­vinced and offered Chris O’Leary a record deal. What fol­lowed recent­ly was a huge­ly well-received album The Hard Line” (TIP!).

This man from the school of James Cot­ton, brings an impres­sive­har­mon­i­ca sound com­ple­ment­ed by a dyke of a voice. Togeth­er with his top-notch band, we can expect a mix of Chica­go and Louisiana blues!