Them Dirty Dimes

Played at edition  2024

The Gronin­gen-based for­ma­tion Them Dirty Dimes is a band that draws on old gen­res and cre­ates some­thing new from them. With their swing­ing mix of Gyp­sy, Blues, Amer­i­cana, and old-fash­ioned Jazz, they have been play­ing until their fin­gers were sore over the past few years.

In 2021, they released their well-received debut album In Gold We Trust.” And last year, the fol­low-up Emp­ty Pock­ets” was released. As the lat­ter album title sug­gests, most songs are about loss, but always with the char­ac­ter­is­tic humor of the cheer­ful gen­tle­men.

Them Dirty Dimes sets course to the south for a par­ty full of nos­tal­gic glo­ry.