Tomi Leino Trio

Played at edition  2024

When you think of Fin­land, blues might not be the first thing that comes to mind. How­ev­er, that’s a mis­con­cep­tion that the Tomi Leino Trio read­i­ly dis­pels. This Finnish ensem­ble com­pris­es sea­soned musi­cians who have been mak­ing waves since 2011.

The trio is renowned for their greasy, hyp­not­ic grooves that have rocked many fes­ti­vals and con­cert halls. As a com­pact for­ma­tion, they have craft­ed their own sound, with clear ele­ments of swamp and rock n’ roll. It’s no won­der that var­i­ous Amer­i­can blues mas­ters invite this trio to accom­pa­ny them on their Euro­pean tours.

Front­man Tomi Leino (vocals, gui­tar & har­mon­i­ca), along with his com­rades Jas­ka Pre­pu­la (bass, gui­tar, and back­ing vocals) and Mikko Pel­to­la (drums), is com­ing to Ospel to deliv­er a dose of pure old school blues!