
Moulin Blues is not only the liveli­est fes­ti­val in Nether­lands, it also has the cosiest fes­ti­val camp­site! Right next to the fes­ti­val site, with good facil­i­ties and room for every­one!

  • Camping facilities
    • Toi­lets (Free)
    • Wash­ing facil­i­ties (Free)
    • Hot show­ers (At a charge)
    • Prop­er waste dis­pos­al facil­i­ties
  • Cost of camping

    Camp­ing tick­et: € 15 per per­son

    Park­ing tick­et: € 10,- per vehi­cle

    Are you com­ing by motorhome? Then in addi­tion to the camp­ing tick­et, you pay €10 for your motorhome. This is equiv­a­lent to a reg­u­lar park­ing tick­et.

    Reser­va­tion is not pos­si­ble (and not nec­es­sary; there is enough space), for the campsite/​parking the pay­ment is in cash or by card.

  • The opening hours of Moulin Blues Camping

    The camp­ing and park­ing will open from Thurs­day, May 2nd, at 4:00 PM; the site will not be acces­si­ble ear­li­er!

    On Sun­day morn­ing, May 5th, the toi­lets and show­er facil­i­ties will close at 10:00 AM.

    Moulin Blues camp­ing will close its gates on Sun­day, May 5th, at 2:00 PM.

  • What is not allowed at Moulin Blues Camping
    • Open fires/​fire pits.
    • Glass/​glass shards.
    • Exces­sive noise.
    • Mechan­i­cal­ly ampli­fied music.
    • Pets.
    • (Fold­ing) chairs (from the camp­site) are not allowed on the fes­ti­val grounds.
    • A char­coal bar­be­cue is allowed, but only in com­bi­na­tion with fire starters.