Moulin Blues

Doo The Doo
Todd Sharpville & Mick Tay­lor
Michael Burks
The Nighthawks fea­tur­ing Jim­my Thack­ery
Juke Joints
Impe­r­i­al Crowns
Nick Cur­ran
The Seat­snif­fers
Bernard Alli­son
Mighty Sam McClain
Dri­ve By Truck­ers
Doug MacLeod
Otis Tay­lor
The Bel­mont Play­boys
Har­mo­ny Two Tones
Kevin Mont­gomery and the Road Trip­pers fea­tur­ing Al Perkins
Michael de Jong
Mar­vel­lous Pig Noise
Ted­dy Mor­gan & The Pis­to­las
Lyn­wood Slim / Rusty Zinn / John­ny Dyer / Tee
Jasper Stone