Replacement: The War and Treaty + Three New Names for Moulin Blues 2024

7 March 2024

Just under two months until Moulin Blues 2024! Excite­ment is build­ing! How­ev­er, not every prepa­ra­tion goes entire­ly smooth­ly.

For this edi­tion, we regret to report, that we have received the news that The War and Treaty will not trav­el to the Nether­lands for a per­for­mance dur­ing Moulin Blues 2024. It’s dis­ap­point­ing, but we’ve swift­ly tak­en action and believe we’ve found an appro­pri­ate replace­ment in The Chris O’Leary Band.

Addi­tion­al­ly, we’re hap­py to present three new names for Moulin Blues 2024!